Currently my husband is in the military. When his time is up we want to use the Gi bill to finish up school. We plan to save a little money so that we can both go to school, and besides a weekend a month of air force reserves not work. It would give us time to spend with our children and focus on getting better grades. Is it possible to foster or foster-adopt children if you have no primary employment at the time? On the one hand all I've read is that we need to be able to support ourselves besides what is given for the kids, and that'd be covered as well as having a lot of time on both our parts to be with them. On the other hand, it isn't very conventional and I am having a hard time finding specific information that will help. Any insight? Thanks :)
Edit to add that I put emphasis on adoption, I want to have permanent placement at some point.
Going to school full-time is more than equivalent to having a full-time job. You have to go to classes, research papers, reading, it takes a lot of time. Children take a lot of time.
I would think it would be possible if one or both of you only went to school part-time.
You do need to have enough income or enough savings to be able to support yourselves. I'd talk to an agency or two and see what their standards are, you'd get a feel for what you would need to do and a timeline for accomplishing your goal of adoption.
Good Luck
Both me and my DH got to school part-time and we both work fulltime. We are foster parents of two wonderful kids. We have managed mostly thanks to daycare since I work 8-5 and do school online I have no issues. I wait for them to be in bed to actually do school work and I managed to get A's this past term. So it's duable but a lot of work honestly, it's all about how you see yourself in terms of handling it.
Im a full time student, my wife works part time. We have enough in savings that it is financially appropriate for us to have this arrangement. No one has ever cared or asked too many questions about it and I think they like it because between our schedules there is only one day a week that one or the other of us is not available to drop everything on a half seconds notice and take a kid to an appointment, go to a meeting, pick up slack when transportation fell through etc..
Im a full time student, my wife works part time. We have enough in savings that it is financially appropriate for us to have this arrangement.
No one has ever cared or asked too many questions about it and I think they like it because between our schedules there is only one day a week that one or the other of us is not available to drop everything on a half seconds notice and take a kid to an appointment, go to a meeting, pick up slack when transportation fell through etc..
I agree with pp that if you have enough in savings to support yourself then you should qualify.
The only issue that you could run into depending on your area is that you may not qualify for any day are for the kids if you are going to school and not working. My area just changed the policy and will not pay daycare if you are going to school. You may want to ask at orientation if you will need it before going through all the classes.