How long did it take those of you who adopted to get from TPR to finalization? And how soon did you get an adoption worker? I know everywhere handles this in different ways. Here they wait for TPR to transfer, even though we have our 30 day appeal period.
We are NOT anticipating an appeal- but holding our breath all the same!
Curious about your timelines- though I am nervous to even ask- haha!
Take a look at my signature and it should answer your questions, but in our case, the mom was the one requesting TPR so we didn't have appeals to worry about.
Wow-- it is all over the place but the average seems to be around 3-6 months.
I am hoping for closer to three!!! I don't think we can count this month at all though since the orders still are not official yet until some report gets submitted.
Ever want to march down to the DCFS offices and offer to "move" the paperwork to wear it needs to go? Haha! LOL
I guess it doesn't matter so much when, as long as it happens! Thanks for your replies!!!
I was told 45-60 days is possible with a good attorney. Ask if there's one the state has worked well with in the past. Technically the can't recommend one but my worker did and when I called that attorney she told me to call her the day the order was signed and she would start the process. She said 60-90 days was realistic.
Still waiting on an adoption worker, two months after TPR. We've been told that adoption will probably be a full year after TPR because of the long wait for the redacted files.
I was told 45-60 days is possible with a good attorney. Ask if there's one the state has worked well with in the past. Technically the can't recommend one but my worker did and when I called that attorney she told me to call her the day the order was signed and she would start the process. She said 60-90 days was realistic.
Interesting- you are in my state, but my worker told me that the cabinet will recommend a few that normally work with them on finalization.
When you say "order"- do you mean the TPR order or "petition to adopt"?
About 2-3 months is what a friend of mine experienced in our area- but I know they are really swamped right now. Still, we got a relatively fast TPR date from pre-trial, so maybe we will get lucky! Praying for a good AW too- have heard that is also hit or miss here!
With our dd, no appeals to TPR. Time from tpr to adoption finalization was 3 1/2 months.
With our older son, no appeals to TPR. Time from tpr to adoption was 2 1/2 months, and that was over Christmas and New Years, so that finalization happened super fast.
With our youngest son, there were TWO appeals. First appeal was denied, and then they appealed that denial. Time from TPR to adoption finalization was 15 1/2 months!
I'm crossing my fingers for NO appeals for you. When is the last day bps can appeal? I've always marked those days on my calendar.
I was told to call her the day appeal period was over and TPR truly complete. She said she files petition to adopt and sends a letter to worker to start process. The attorney I'm working with has the system down to a science with our worker. She said fastest turnaround was 45 days from petition to finalization but 60-90 is more realistic. Have you already touched base with an attorney yet? If not I would so they are prepared ahead of time and can get the ball rolling as soon as appeal period is complete.
I was told to call her the day appeal period was over and TPR truly complete. She said she files petition to adopt and sends a letter to worker to start process. The attorney I'm working with has the system down to a science with our worker. She said fastest turnaround was 45 days from petition to finalization but 60-90 is more realistic. Have you already touched base with an attorney yet? If not I would so they are prepared ahead of time and can get the ball rolling as soon as appeal period is complete.
No I have not yet. We are still waiting to hear the TPR order has been signed. The judge said it would be but technically could not rule until the GAL and attorney submitted their written reports. The cabinet attorney already submitted his. The GAL is what we are waiting on I think, which is dumb to me because she said her recommendation out lout at the trial. Oh bureaucracy!
So as soon as it is signed the 30 day appeal period "clock" starts.
I'm crossing my fingers for NO appeals for you. When is the last day bps can appeal? I've always marked those days on my calendar.
We will all be shocked if there is an appeal because b-mom has had no involvement and has not shown for any court dates in 14 months now and she would have to hire her own counsel to appeal. Still, I am holding my breath!
For us it is only a 30 day window- but that "clock" wont' start until the order is officially signed. Which may have already happened- or may happen in the next week. I am thinking the appeal period will be over around the first of August though. Who knows- we may be "on pace" for a National Adoption Day finalization. But I hope we get lucky and it is sooner!
We just had a first visit from our adoption worker today and it looks like she is going to try to push for an early August court date!
TPR trial. April 16
Court document stamped May 30
1st meeting with adoption worker June 26
Appeal period expires. June 30
Official presentation & matching meeting July 11
We just had a first visit from our adoption worker today and it looks like she is going to try to push for an early August court date!
TPR trial. April 16
Court document stamped May 30
1st meeting with adoption worker June 26
Appeal period expires. June 30
Official presentation & matching meeting July 11
We just had a first visit from our adoption worker today and it looks like she is going to try to push for an early August court date!
TPR trial. April 16
Court document stamped May 30
1st meeting with adoption worker June 26
Appeal period expires. June 30
Official presentation & matching meeting July 11
Oh wow that is great- so that would be around the 90 day mark for you then. I am thinking for us- (assuming best case) if the order is signed this week, that would set the appeal to expire by the end of July. That would put us at September/October for finalization if we get a good worker and attorney who does what needs to be done quickly.
We just got TPR and we were told approx. 6 months if no appeal, 12 months if there is an appeal. Our adoption worker was assigned 2 days ago.
TPR: July 2013 (I think we got an adoptions worker before TPR, but it was bc the case was going to adoption, regardless if it was me or GMA)
Ruled Adoptive Parent: Nov 2013
Signed Adoption Papers: Jan 2014
Finalization: May 2014
Good luck :)