well, SSI doesnt pay that much because he is living at home.
So I guess because he is my ADULT son I am still responsible for him for rent and such.
They claim that his income is something like 260.oo because he lives at home and doesnt have to pay room or board.
the minute he leaves then they will increase his benefits, which really doesnt help us.
I wish I could back to work full time but I cant. his needs are too great.
Not sure what we are going to do now.
Has anyone ran into this type of problem? Just when I thought we can catch up on certain bills to keep a roof over our head, baboom.
In some states he can qualify for respite care and nursing or daily living assistance. If the parents are the providers of that, they get paid those amounts. THe theory being that a family environment is better for a disabled person than a group home. It might be something could help you out financially.