According to the info I have I was born in Edina MN 4-11-75 adopted thru catholic charities. I am searching for any birth family. She did not sign an affidavit of disclosure. A judge rejected my request for my medical information. Any family out there???? Searching desperately!!!!
If your adoption was through Catholic Charities and you would like to find out what services are available for you, contact their office in the city where your adoption took place. If you do not know, write to their main office at:
Catholic Charities USA
National Headquarters
1731 King St, Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 549-1390
Often babies given up through Catholic Charities were baptized before being adopted out. If Catholic or other church baptism records are available, babies born on your birth date and baptized in a parish or church in the city you were born in could be a possible source for your original birth name. For older children who were adopted out of an orphanage there may even be information on your first communion record.
Ask to see the ledgers of baptism to see if you are listed. Just don't mention you were adopted when you ask to see if you were baptized within a short time after your birth. It is said that the birth name is crossed off and replaced with the adopted name although this has not been verified for the purpose of this publication.
If you receive your non-id information from Catholic Charities, look for anything that is highlighted on older records. Sympathetic nuns used to highlight true facts including a first name of a birth parent or child.
As a rule, all churches keep excellent records so if your birth family was religious, then these records would be worth digging deeper into without mentioning the word adoption. Check all churches in the area of your adoption. If you can find a friendly church member through their women's group, someone may very well be willing to volunteer to look for you if you cannot do it yourself.
Good luck!!
Teri Brown
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