Searching for my birth father.
Female, born December 24 1990, in Baden-Wurttemberg (Lahr) Germany/ Canadian Forces Military Base. Mother was Laurie M. Sutherland.
In 1991 I was shipped to Canada where I was adopted by her husband's sister and brother-in-law.
DNA has proven that her husband is NOT my father, although she insists he is and refuses to say who it is. Shortly after telling her of the results and questioning her, she seized any contact. Recently in an article she said she has FOUR children, while there is in fact FIVE of us. Two girls and three boys.
I am now located in Ontario, Canada and have one son who is going to be 2 months old in a week.
Would love to hear from anyone who may have any information or suggestions. (ie. where I could post to maybe reach out to more people that would have been in the Canadian Forces at the time).