Hi, I have a question about the homestudy process. We are hoping foster/adopt :love: . Can anyone tell me what needs to be done or complete for the HS?
-We have 2 bio children and they each have their own room. We have closed in our garage and our oldest son will be moving out there when we need his bedroom. Will the CW want all of that switched around before the HS is complete?
Thanks for any advice
In Ohio, everything had to be setup with as many beds as you would like to support in the way you would like them to be.
In SC we just need a cursory set up (clean, window that meets code, etc). We are approved for 0-7 years boy or girl, up to two kids. We only have one bed in the room right now, no crib/toddler bed and we had no issues. But the big thing was the window and smoke detectors/carbon monoxide.
in Missouri:
Room must be ready, bed, dresser, window, bedding etc. smoke detectors, 5lb fire extinguisher, carbon monoxide detector, safety outlets covered, locks on all chemical doors, locks on basement door etc. you need to have a safety map of your house outlining all emergency exits, phone listing of all of the emergency numbers, yours, local police, fire, poison control etc.
Then you've got the paperwork portion,copy your drivers licenses, car insurance, home owners insurance, recent check ups for everyone in the house, up to date shot records, 5 personal references for each foster/adoptive parent, shot records for any pets in the home, personal & school references for the kids in your home, work references, other assorted paperwork that will come to you via case worker.
The more of this you have in advance the quicker your home study will go. There's still a bunch after this, finger printing, back ground, child abuse and other random "checks" so be prepared for the fun and if you have all of this your case worker will be in heaven!