Querra dirigirme a las parejas argentinas que estn interesadas en adoptar a los nios de Rusia. Les presento mi equipo de adopcin internacional que tiene ms de veinticinco a㡱os de experiencia en este campo. Yo y mis colegas sabemos perfectamente el mecanismo de adopcin internacional y podemos resolver todos los problemas y dificultades que puedan surgir en el proceso de adoptar a un nio del extranjero. Adem㱡s, querra explicarles la situacin actual de adopcin internacional en Rusia. La colaboracin de mi equipo con Francia, Canad y Estados Unidos ya est㡡 terminada debido a la situacin internacional, aunque nunca hemos tenido pretensiones de parte de familias estadounidenses, canadienses o francesas ni de parte del gobierno ruso. Pero yo y todo mi equipo les ofrecemos ayuda si quieren adoptar a los nios de Rusia, es que hoy en d㱭a las condiciones internacionales son muy favorables hacia Argentina.
Querra dirigirme a las parejas argentinas que estn interesadas en adoptar a los nios de Rusia. Les presento mi equipo de adopcin internacional que tiene ms de veinticinco a㡱os de experiencia en este campo. Yo y mis colegas sabemos perfectamente el mecanismo de adopcin internacional y podemos resolver todos los problemas y dificultades que puedan surgir en el proceso de adoptar a un nio del extranjero. Adem㱡s, querra explicarles la situacin actual de adopcin internacional en Rusia. La colaboracin de mi equipo con Francia, Canad y Estados Unidos ya est㡡 terminada debido a la situacin internacional, aunque nunca hemos tenido pretensiones de parte de familias estadounidenses, canadienses o francesas ni de parte del gobierno ruso. Pero yo y todo mi equipo les ofrecemos ayuda si quieren adoptar a los nios de Rusia, es que hoy en d㱭a las condiciones internacionales son muy favorables hacia Argentina.
Mr. Rybakov:Please be aware that Russia has recently passed a law, prohibiting all adoptions of Russian children by U.S. citizens. It claims that too many Russian children are adopted by Americans, only to be abused and, sometimes, murdered.While Americans deny the truth of that assertion and object to that prohibition, the U.S. government is required to respect the laws of sovereign nations and, as a result, to refuse adoption visas to any American children who may have been adopted (illegally) since the ban. The only children who might be granted adoption visas would be those whom the Russian government specifically allows to emigrate, because they were already close to finalization in the Russian courts when the ban was enacted.Thus, even if you helped an American couple get around the Russian law and adopt a child now, the family would be unable to bring the child to the U.S., as an adoption visa would not be issued and no other visa category allowing the child to be admitted to the U.S. immediately exists. It is possible that the family could, after the finalization, live overseas for two years with the child, and then apply for an IR-2 visa for him/her, but most American families cannot leave their families and jobs for that length of time.You should also know that U.S. laws have been changed recently, to require that all foreign adoptions, even those from non-Hague countries like Russia, be completed with the assistance of a licensed U.S. agency. While a family could, theoretically, use a Russian lawyer as well as a U.S. agency, if Russia were to reopen to adoptions by Americans, most families will wind up using only an experienced U.S. agency, especially given that agencies often have their own staff in Russia, who can assist with the legal processes.Since you are an attorney, bound to do things legally, you will need to work only in countries with which Russia has an agreement to permit adoptions, until such time as Russia changes its adoption laws and permits adoption by Americans. And even then, you may find few clients in the U.S., because of the new rules requiring the participation of an agency.Sharon
Last update on December 6, 10:53 am by Sharon Kaufman.
Hi Sharon,Please be aware that I have never been involved in US adoptions from Russia and your long letter is, unfortunately, waste of your time. I'm familiar with the Russian adoption legistation and as a Russian barrister know the Russian legal system slightly better than you do, so that, I recommend you to avoid any unnecessary comments in the future. Denis M. RybakovBarrister