Currently, we're being considered as possible placement for my stepson's sibling who is residing in a level 3 group home at the moment. My stepson, his older brother, and his younger sister were all removed from mom's care and mom cannot have unsupervised visits per court order.
We have no timetable and the brother has been on orientation for an entire year. We visit regularly at the group home he resides at and mom is included for one hour in the 3 hour sibling visit that occurs once a month.
Mom is currently upset with us. Since we officially have custody, she is wanting us to allow her to have overnight visits with my stepson. She's relapsed as of May this year and a CFT report has upheld that mom should not have unsupervised visits with her children just a couple of months ago.
I'm wondering if mom can tank our efforts to get the brother. Reunification is off the table but CPS isn't asking for TPR. Because of allegations of sexual abuse by mom, visits with her two children still in foster care were suspended. We suspended ours and our former lawyer told us that we had good cause if mom ever challenged our decision. We reinstated visits as soon as the court allowed mom supervised visits again, but mom is hoping to use this to show we don't follow court orders.
(Our case was terminated a year ago once my husband was awarded full custody of his son after his son was removed from mom's care.)
I feel so bad that I wish mom would just drop off the face of the planet and CPS would go for TPR. We've already been told we'd get guardianship if my stepson's brother ever gets off orientation at the group home, which means they don't plan on going through with TPR.