I have a two year old boy placement his mom is a heroin addict. They have found no other family members who are fit to care for the child. The mom has one friend she is suggesting. The child is so scared and traumatized. He is finally getting used to being here. Have any of you had any heroin cases? Heroin is a tough drug to recover from. I am afraid the child will get attached and then be moved to the family friend. Will they pick the family friend over the foster family?
Yes, sometimes they do pick a relative or family friend over the foster family - especially if it is someone the child knows/trusts. BUT that friend has to be checked out and found to be competent, etc.
Just love up the little guy and make him feel safe. Give lots of hugs. You are a good mama.
Yes, sometimes they do pick a relative or family friend over the foster family - especially if it is someone the child knows/trusts.
Just love up the little guy and make him feel safe. Give lots of hugs. You are a good mama.