I guess I could start with sharing a bit about us. My husband and I have 6 children. Our oldest is almost 12. I have always had it in my heart to adopt and help children who don't have a permanent home. I tuck my children in at night and they feel safe and loved. Every child should feel that way. So we have stopped having our own and decided to start the process of adopting through our local Children's Aid Society. We finished our PRIDE classes and our homestudy and have been approved. We will be meeting with our adoption worker soon so she can get to know our family so she finds a good match. We are actually doing foster to adopt. When we started this process I must admit that I wasn't thinking about the children or the biological parents. I was thinking about how we will be saving a child. My thinking has changed. Now I sympathize with the parents because they lose their children in this process and I sympathize with the children because they lose their parents. So now I just want to focus on what is best for the kids and keep an open mind. We hope to adopt 2 brothers 5 and under. We feel this is what is best for our family. If things change I am ok with that too. So we are excited about this journey we are starting on and collecting as much information as possible in the meantime. I just wanted to say hi and one day I may be posting for advice. :)