Does anyone have a child that requires extra support for social boundaries, and emotional regulation? I'm wondering if it's associated with rads or child abuse? How bad can this problem be? How to deal with it?
it would kind of depend upon what supports and what boundaries, you know?
i have kids who don't do well in groups because they are:
1. easily led and allow others to push them into things they know are not right
2. bullies and need help to remember where their rights end and others' begin
3. anxious and become weepy and clingy towards adults and push other kids away
all 4 of the kids i'm talking about have histories of of abuse and attachment issues. only 1 of them has mild RAD. neglect was a big issue for all of them. one is rather parentified.
i think that any time we're dealing with kids with issues that brought them into care, they're less likely to have learned the skill of determining personal boundaries and sticking with them.