(Posting for a friend)
My name is Jennifer and I was born on October 20th, 1968 (give or take) in Plattsburgh, NY to a 20 year old college junior. My birth certificate was registered locally on the 25th, and the amended certificate was issued on Aug 4, 1969. The adoption went through on July 23rd, Hon. Irving Goldman presided, Louis P. Meconirepresented us. I'm listed with the NYS adoption registry, no news from them in the past 7 years except that I was first born, 21", weighed 7 lbs give or take a few oz, born at full term, and had an Apgar of 10. My mother was Caucasian and theres no information on my father.
I went straight into foster care and was placed with my parents 7 weeks later (no one knows the date anymore). . My parents lived in Morrisonville, NY at the time. I can be reached via email at or