So we now have two new FD that's a total if 10 children in the home and if I didn't already have an 11 week old it would be 11 because they wanted to place two week old baby sister with me when I took 5 year old and 3 year old sisters.
We are scheduled for court June for mini miss. Mom and dad have done nothing they showed up for first two court hearings but have had not visits or contact with DCFS at all.
Found out that we will have 9 year old FD for a very long time if they don't go to termination and placement with family member as mom and dad are so messed up it is going to take 2 years of therapy before they. An even think about reuniting.
Looks like my house is not getting off the crazy train anytime soon.
P.s. What the heck happened to the site while I've been gone :(
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The site changed alot! Still deciding whether I like it or not... So with that many kids, what do you drive? We need to invest in something bigger then a minivan or close our home, as all of our seats are full.
I keep thinking our next vehicle will be a van. My husband thinks it is because the kids will need more room as they grow up; they have tall genes in their families.. While I agree, I'm secretly hoping it means we will one day be able to take more foster kids. (Right now, there is just too much going on to fill a van full of kids.) :) Just don't tell DH that, as I'm pretty sure he would freak out ... though he is still okay with getting our license renewed. Maybe he also has a bit of hope there.
So, yes, what do you drive with that many people?
Sorry for the length of time in responding. We have a Nissan NV passenger van. We absolutely love it. We have a luggage rack for the back for all the extras when taking trips. It never hurts to have a little extra room but it's seems when you do you just fill it up. LOL