update for those old timers
I finally broke down and wrote my DD's school requesting an IEP evaluation. She is just ending 5th grade. Math has always been hard, but in elementary school, teacher's took my advice and gave her extra help (repetition and breaking down the steps). Middle School, we did not have the support. She seems to be falling behind
Fortunately, I'm on the school board and knew who to contact.
finger's crossed
I got the email from the head of special ed yesterday. Based on her grades and test scores (teacher wasn't available for consult), she is recommending J gets RTI.. She's meeting with the principal on Monday. Testing and help will be available by the time we go back in the fall
My DH commented, "being on the school board is paying off".. but i really think/hope it was just asking the question. Still ticked that her teacher didn't point out she needs help :p
First day of school today... I rewrote the district's head of special ed, the principal, and the school special ed manager reminding them that i need an assessment.
Principal acknowledged he has an action here :p
update - we have been having J assessed for the past to months. What a difference a good teacher makes!!!
Write now, she's top of her class in language arts. She is rocking social studies. She has a 4.0 gpa. But more impotantely, she is testing at 49th percentile in math and finally is starting to "get" science
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