I want to have a construction themed party for Beany's adoption. My motto in my head is "Our Family was Built by Adoption" but obviously that's a bit long. Can you help me come up with some cute sayings that I can use instead for the party decorations? He's going to wear a shirt that says "Can you dig it- I'm Finally Adopted" but I'm open to ideas on that one too.
Just for fun- help me!
Building blocks spelling out a-d-o-p-t-i-o-n with a piece of equipment 'building' the word
    [*]"You rock"
    [*]"Family is the cornerstone to ____"
    [*]Cemented together with love
    [*]Cement Mix Recipe: 1 part love, 1 part cute kid, 1 loving family (or something like that)
    [*]A crane putting the last piece of a building together, with the building being the family and the piece being the kid. Maybe label the building the "Smith Home" and the piece going in having a picture of the kid or their name on the block with the other blocks of the home showing the names of the other members.
    [*]You nailed it (Warning, don't do this with screws ... I'll just leave it at that and let you all figure out what came to mind.)
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