My long time friend of mine lives in Oklahoma and my fiancee' and I live in Texas now. She is thinking she is going to give up the baby for adoption and she would prefer to give the baby up to us that way she could still be in the baby's life. But, we aren't exactly sure how to even go about doing this if she does decide to give the baby up for adoption.
Choose an adoption agency or attorney with experience in domestic adoptions across state lines, and put yourself in that agency or attorney's hands. Cross state adoptions are a little more complicated, but definitely doable. It's just that, besides things like a homestudy, termination of birthparents' rights, and finalization, you will need to go through ICPC, a process that ensure compliance with the adoption requirements of both states.
How long have you been together? I'd like to help you, but I'm not sure I can if you're not married yet...
Last update on July 6, 5:37 pm by Karen Sutherlin.