Originally Posted By Bonnie Tgo to your local courthouse for the step parent adoption papers, or, i found them online for 5 dollars at , or i could send them to you for free. it costs 92.50 to file them and you are suppose to have a hearing and then it should be finalized in about 90 days (or so I was told) My husband is adopting my daughter as well. We wish you the best
I need the adoption forms if anyone has them I would appreciate it if they could email them to me. My son is 1 month old and his dad has not been in his life yet. He didn't help me when I was pregnant either. I have a wonderful boyfriend who has asked me to marry him, he has taken my son as his own. The father of my son is not on the birth certificate but I was told we still had to fill out adoption papers, please let me know if you have any info.
Originally posted by Archive
Originally Posted By Bonnie T
go to your local courthouse for the step parent adoption papers, or, i found them online for 5 dollars at [url][/url] , or i could send them to you for free. it costs 92.50 to file them and you are suppose to have a hearing and then it should be finalized in about 90 days (or so I was told) My husband is adopting my daughter as well. We wish you the best
Hi. I live in Texas and need to know how to go about getting adoption papers and advice for my husband to adopt my daughter. If anyone has these for me, please email me at All advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
If you still have these forms, I would just love for you to send them to me at Thanks.
I found a website to order stepparent adoption papers from; it's [url][/url]. I can't vouch for the papers themselves; I haven't ordered them yet. They're $239. The website specifies that the adoption has to be uncontested. I did order their free booklet which they send you very quickly by e-mail. Best of luck. I am hoping to adopt my 3 stepsons without paying a lawyer $3000 (or more).
Could you please email me the forms at
can i please have the forms also
me too me too ! :D
Thank You
can you send them my way?