So I'm not currently fostering, my brother and his son just moved in and we need to wait to settle before I get back into it, but I'm considering switching my license from the private agency to the county. I spoke to the county recruiter and she explained the process and it's not too difficult. My brother doesn't care one way or another. His agency is even worse than mine about communication and getting back to you.
Thankfully his adoption of my nephew will be completed sometime soon so I'll be able to foster again. Since neither of us care for our agencies, we figure we'll switch to the county in future (although it might require additional trainings if the county determines our agency trainings were insufficient).
Looking at previous threads t seems that in some places, the county only places the hard to place children and in other places the county only places the easy to place children, lol. According to the cps recruiter, they only place children with a basic level of care. She seemed really positive about licensing me and saw living with my brother as a pro since it means that children would see a positive family relationship and have a positive male and a positive female role model in the household. My agency was NOT positive about it and clearly told me that they weren't sure that I would get any placements since the situation is unusual and to look for other agencies to license us if we were going to live together.
I'm open to placements 6 weeks to 13 years (want them to be younger than my nephew). I was licensed for 1-2 before and since my house is only a 4 bedroom, that still leaves only 1 extra bedroom for a placement. I think I'll ask to be licensed for 1-3 in future.
I moved after getting licensed in order to allow my brother and his son to live with me while still fostering and the new guest bedroom is big enough for 3 children according to the rules. My brother and my only disagreement has been our preferred age group, lol. He would like a placement to be old enough to do some things for themselves while I found that I loved being a mom for a toddler. Seriously, toddlers are awesome :) I have a broad range and the recruiter was excited to find someone willing to foster boys over age 12. I suppose there continue to be issues related to finding placements for teen boys. Although my nephew and I were chatting and he says that all his friends at his old group home are now in home placements and 2 have even already been adopted. It warms the heart :)
We'll see how future placements go. Right now, I'm pretty excited about my life. Can't wait to foster again. So has anyone had the joy of switching between a private agency and the county? How did your experience differ between the 2?
Mayhaps, I've been thinking and I think we'll just go with whatever option is easier. Either my agency or my brothers agency. It's been pretty awesome so far. I Missy last placement, but I definitely see the benefit if 2 parent households. So far my nephew is settling in well. We've had some issues with meds and grades this month. But Thankfully no major issues. Sometj.Sometimes I wonder if he's honeymooning even though he's loved eith my brother for over a year. Thankfully the caseworker is getting motivated to get the adoption done. As soon as that's done, we'll get a new placement for the additional space in the house. It's sad, but the spare bedroom bothers me with no kids in it.