Originally Posted By Sun Po Ace (Kim)
I am searching for my daughter. My search has been going on many years. I recently received some key information on how her name was spelled on her exit paperwork from Korea and the date given for her birth. Also, I finally found out the family name of her adoptive parents. I also now know the name of the stateside agency that handled the adoption.
We found that Ena's name was translated different to In Wha Kim and that her birth date was listed as 14 Aug 1962 verses 11 Aug 1962.
This is what we now know:
Enas name was translated as:
In Wha Kim
Her birth date was given as:
14 Aug. 1962
Her adoptive parentҒs name:
Her adoptive parents probably called her:
Mary or Hope (Or maybe both)
She entered the US on/about:
28 Sep. 1966
Does anyone know a Mary In WhaӔ Schurman?
This is what we just received from a Korean
Search angel:
She said that the adoptive parents' family name is Mr. and Mrs. Schurman and the American adoption agencies name is ISS-New York. She said KSS placed several children through ISS-New York but had had no working relationship about 30 years. She also said that KSS could send a official letter to ISS-New York if it could be helpful, and if she knew the current contact
address of ISS-New York.
Will you try ISS-New York agency once more directly?
Now you have your child's official name(Kim, In Wha), birth date(Aug. 14, 1962), arrival date(Sept. 28, 1966) and the adoptive family's name(Mr. and Mrs. Schurman). I think and hope you have enough information to ask for help to ISS-New York.
This is what is on my web sites:
I am looking for my daughter. She was born in Nupai, Paju, Korea on 11 Aug 1962. We have tried to obtain help from the Korean Social Service's people, but to no avail. The INS says they have no record of Ena entering the US under the name of Ena or Ina Kim. A request for their assistance under the FOIA produced no results at all. Her Korean exit paper work could have been under another name. The date of her birth on any adoption paperwork could also vary because of the
lunar calendar and translation problems. Possibly the date could be 9 Sep., 1962. Her given name was Ena (Ina) Kim. A baby broker forced her adoption. She left Korea, from Kimpo Airport, in Sep.,1966 (probably the 24th) . I thought she lived in California for a while as a child, but she may have lived in New York or New Jersey or really anywhere else in the US. Her American
family may have given her the name Mary. The man who adopted her was in his 40/50's in 1966 and in the music industry, possibly a song composer of some type. He and his wife had raised an adopted son who was in his 20-30's in 1966 and was a college graduate, who had attended school with a Mr. Yun (Yoon), who arranged the adoption. Mr. Yun was from Seoul, Korea. Ena's father was a Caucasian American soldier. She had brown hair and eyes as a child. She only spoke Korean
Before she left for the US other than a few English words. She learned this English because Mr. Yun took her to Seoul for several weeks for lessons at his home in 1966. Mr. Yun specifically sought to find a little girl who looked Caucasian and had light brown hair and brown eyes. She had a scar on her back from a burn. So far we are still unable to get a last name of Enas
adoptive parents or even a city and state where they resided.
We are hoping someone can identify the location where the color photos were taken. The house number appears to be 4133.
Please look at them.
Maybe you can tell us!
My name is Sun Po Ace (Kim). Please email me at if you can help or on the email on any of my web home pages.