Hello! This is my first post and I'd just like to say that I am several years from being able to adopt. My fiancé and I would like to buy our own house and get married before getting certified. However, it has been something we've talked about a lot lately. Our ultimate goal is to adopt children between 0 and 36 months from foster care. Ultimately we'd like to grow a large family through adoption (we're buying a 12-15 passenger van) and are open to many types of children. I have a brother that has developmental delays as well as hearing, sight and speech impairments and that is the type of child we are most eager to parent (I would accept a physically and/or mentally/developmentally/emotionally healthy child if asked). Having said this my fiancé states that he would be a better parent child with the potential to eventually physically feed themselves, communicate with us effectively and walk. We are open to all races and would consider a younger than school age sibling group. Very open to adopting across state lines (are are in Wisconsin) and taking the challenges to come our way as we do not have any children of our own and it would be incredibly unlikely that we would be able to conceive any without assistance. Please don't think we see adoption as a consolation prize! Its where I feel my true calling to be. I just have a few questions I'm sure more seasoned parents could answer better than any book or google search.
Considering how open we are to special needs children, would sticking with low legal risk and straight adopt placements likely produce a favorable outcome? In your experience how long was the wait from approval to placement and placement to gotcha date? I love hearing personal stories
Has anyone used photo listings to find their children at such a young age? How did that go, how long did it take and what was withheld from you that you wish you would have known?
Have you noticed trends of stay-at-home-moms being picked more frequently for kids with special needs? I will (ideally) be running our family farm so I'll be home almost all the time to provide that high level of attention.
Has anyone homeschooled a child with special needs? I know I can only do this once the child is legally ours but it has been something I've dreamed of doing since I was a little girl and truly means so much to me.
In what ways to family farms have to be altered for home studies? Is this something to ask our individual caseworker when that time comes or will it make us look bad?
One last question (and it is a touchy topic so please be kind) My fiancé has Aspergers. He is highly intelligent, works a great job, has a wonderful social life, drives, shops and lives like everyone else. His employers do not even know. How open about this should we be? I'd never lie during the home study (or lie by complete omission) but I wonder if it would help or hurt us in being chosen. Any takes on this would be VERY appreciated.
Thank you so much for reading my long, rambling post! Can't wait for responses.
Last update on December 5, 11:21 pm by Stevie Redd.
I apologize for sounding negative...
I would call local Agencies and attend their (should be free ) Orientations Today , now or early in the Future!!
Ask your questions to them and to the Audience.
Most states will Advocate under the age of 10 be placed . Either back with the Birth ( Mom or and Dad or other Immediate Family Member ),,,
Most states will not do ' straight Adoption ' placements. Generally the ' Foster Parent or Parents ' have priority with placement over our ' General Public '...
Since March of 2000, I or our Family have only found 4 Infant Toddler ages using Photolistings. The 2nd Infant Girl was hospitalized since birth, and we are her first Family and home environment.
The Case Managements generally do not ' Sugar Coat ' anything.
The rest are ' Trach Dependent!! '
They also want to insure the ' child ' fits your Family, and has no possibilty for Adoption to ' Disrupt!! '
You are looking at a 18 month or longer processing from start to finish.
Finish is when Parent's Legal Rights have Terminated.
Placement our Agency places anywhere from 5-30 minutes after Cerfifying!!!
We ' Homeschool ' , but also utilize the Public School System for Theraputic Services.
My Husband works 4-midnight, but I wish I had more support to do ' 1 on 1 ' learning!!!
Family Ranches everything water related needs to be locked and fenced/gated. Water also needs to be treated.
Your last question I am going to answer in 2 parts.
Can you right now diagnose what your Fiance will be in hid ' Prognosis wise ' in 10-30 years.
That is what Social Services will make their determination on.
If something were to happen to him. Could you still go on in life without his income?
Our home state closed Foster Care and Foster to Adoption this year and went to Privitazation. I would ask your Agencies if this is in their Future??
Not trying to be Negative again, but I would also caution.
Both you and your husband need to be ' on the same page ' with an Adoption plan.
What your husband is currently hoping for with regards to his own Parenting. It could high percentage 40%, 50% or 60 % may never happen with a ' Foster Child '.
It would depend alot on their ' outcoming circumstances '???
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