Hi everyone!
I'm a bit new here, so it's nice to meet you all. I'm a 26 y/o mum of 2 beautiful little boys! I have up training to be a nurse when I fell pregnant with my first, so my partner is the full-time bread winner at the moment.
I am looking to have another child, but I'd love to be able to work in some capacity one day. Someone has recently suggested foster parenting as a means of income. I would love to do something like this – as I know there is a need for it – but can you really foster children with young kids in the house? I just don't know if this is possible?
I have so many questions about it, but I wanted to actually chat to someone who has done it… Is there anyone out there? I want to know how difficult it is in reality for example… or how to you even go about becoming one? What are the requirements?
Also I know you can go through local authority or go private – but which do you pick? A friend of my sisters uses a private fostering agency called Lorimer Fostering. (They have been great lovely to her but I'm sure theres loads of really good ones out there.)
Apparently you get a lot more one on one support with a private agency, but more flexibility going via local authority. Does anyone here have any experience using either?
Does anyone here foster full time as a career? I know it sounds awful to be a foster parent for the money, but the thought of earning more while being at home all day with my kids sounds amazing, not to mention that I think I could be a really good foster parent. I'm quite cool tempered and laid back, and empathic. Is this enough? I'm at a bit of a loss. If anyone could help share their experiences with me I'd be so grateful!
Any help or advice would be appreciated. I did try and search for a thread about this topic but couldn't find one but if there is one somewhere you could point me to also that'd be fab!
Thank you! Beth x
Last update on April 10, 6:58 am by Bethany Pembrook.
In the US, the stipend for fostering kids isn't enough to count as an additional income . . . the hope is that it covers the extra expenses of caring for a child. But from your writing style, I'm going to guess that you're English . . . and I'm not sure what stipends are like in England.
However, if you enjoy children, are an experienced parent, and have a patient temperament, foster parenting might be an excellent fit for you. There are so many kids out there who need stable, loving homes. A lot of places hold foster care orientation meetings that can help give you a better idea of what to expect from the experience. You may want to call around and see what you can find out!
Hi Bethany!
My name is Darcy and I am currently fostering a four year old, who is my first placement. In regards to difficulty, as far as my little guy goes, I'm sure it's about as hard as fostering a bio child...but, I don't have previous experience being a mom so how should I know ;) He is a level four of five, which means he has suffered a great deal of trauma due to his birth family and he has RAD and PTSD because of it, so sometimes he has outbursts or hitting fits because he is also developmentally delayed (he is doing things that a 2-3 yr old would be doing). It really isn't too hard, just keeping up with the various appointments and meetings can be a hassle (if you foster, get a planner!)
As far as the stipend/payments, I agree with PP, it really only goes so far. Our stipend doesn't cover everything we get for little man but it certainly helps. Husband and I both work full time but my four yr old is in preschool, so we don't pay for child care and we don't get food assistance. He does get free healthcare and our stipend is about $900-$1200 a month (we are a therapeutic home and he has medication needs, so we get paid more than a typical foster home).
I don't see anything wrong with wanting to be a SAHM and being able to get paid for it, however fostering is not a good supplemental income since whatever money you get will be going toward the child, so unfortunately I don't think your family could live off the stipend by any means. As far as personality goes, I think you should go for it, you sound like you would be an amazing foster parent!! Go for it, we need good, loving homes for these sweet children!! Good luck!!