It's no secret that the adoption situation in Guatemala was a pretty ugly thing for a decade or so there, with heavy child trafficking going on in the face of prolific and poorly regulated international adoptions. I just heard that the Guatemalan government is going to be trying a American woman named Nancy Bailey on child trafficking charges. From what she says, Bailey was running a home for needy children (Semillas de Amor) in Guatemala and facilitating adoptions as needed until international adoptions closed in 2008. The Guatemalan government says otherwise, stating that she had been making a very lucrative living for herself by essentially selling children. Bailey states believes that she's not going to be given a fair trial because the Guatemalan government wants to use her as a scapegoat, a way of pointing the finger at the "evil Americans" rather than looking inward at the contributions to the situation that may have been made from within the country. Does anyone out there have any more insight into this situation?