I know a ten-year-old boy who spent a good amount of time crying hysterically last night because he thought there might be a beetle in his room. This does not seem normal. Any thoughts about how to respond to this sort of thing? Is it indicative of a bigger problem?
Specific phobias are a fairly common anxiety disorder and they tend to present around this age. Depending on what exactly is going on, these phobias are fairly treatable if caught early. I might look into that if I were his parent.
My now Adult Brother did that while ' Group Camping ' once and about that age or younger and.
Had been exposed to drugs ( I don't remember which one (s) ) in the S'mores or ' Rice Krispies Treats ' .
Annaleece - He also has an extremely intense irrationaol fear of dogs. So much that he won't go to anyone's house if he even suspects a dog - of any size - might be there. What sort of treatment has been found to be effective with treating phobias in children? Do you know?