Are there different levels of open adoption? I feel like there probably are. How do you decide what level of communication is good, and can that ever be changed later on?
Every adoption is slightly different when it comes to 'openness'. To some people, having an open adoption means sending a letter once a year. To others, it means weekly visits and family vacations together. Most people fall somewhere in between. In my open adoption, I have a visit roughly every one to two months, sometimes more sometimes a little less. We text multiple times a week. Open adoptions almost always change over time. I used to visit every other week, but that became impractical for everyone involved. Usually, there is no formal contract or agreement to have an open adoption. It just depends on the people involved and what they're comfortable with. In some states, you can have an open adoption 'contract', which promises some predetermined amount of contact. However, these aren't really enforceable. Sometimes open adoptions close. There aren't really any hard and fast rules to open adoptions since they're all so different.
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