Hello, I am new here and just drowning and hurt. My husband was adopted from Brazil when he was 5. We know a little about his background and it isn’t good. He has always been hard to read. Very much known to lie and not feel bad about it. He seems to always have the need to want everyone to like him. I have done countless hours of reading to try and understand him. We have three little girls together. Since I have known him he has al aye gotten so angry over the littlest things. When things start going to good he do s everything in his power to make life hell to get me to leave first. When he was younger he would steal, lie, jump from girl to girl with no feeling of I shouldn’t be doing this. He really is a good guy but he doesn’t see it like that. He is constantly engulfed in a game on his phone or anything else that is far from reality. He gets so angry with the kids so easily and can’t seem to show any empathy towards them or me. But. When it comes to anyone else he is fine. His adoptive mom passed away 6 months ago and he has spiraled down. We have separated because he says he feels nothing. He has lost all feelings for me and doesn’t see me that way anymore. When 2 weeks before he did that he bought me a new wedding ring. I just don’t get it and it tearing me and my kids apart. I love this guy with everything I have and just want to help him. What can I do?
well i was adopted. I never felt like I fit and it caused desrtructive behavior when i got close in a relationship. I didn't steal and stuff like that but I would lie to my partner thinking I had to so they didn't think I was a loser. I always felt like I was alone on an Island even though I grew up in a great home and had many friends.
Recently I did a Ancestry DNA test. I found my brothers and sister from my biological parents. It instantly gave me identity and every bad behavior I exhibited over the adoption separation wound disappeared. It was instant love with my brothers and sisters. It has changed me completely in a matter of days.
I don't know how to help your guy. I am not sure what would have helped me. I was in denial.