I'm looking to get in contact with my half sister. All I know is her name was Jackie Flanagan. She was born around 1989 and would be turning 30 this year. Her birth parents were Kathleen Flanagan and Kenneth Schweiker from narberth pa. My father told me about her around 10 years ago after I brought my girlfriend of the time home to meet my father and told him how she was adopted and recently found her father. With tears in his eyes he brought me a picture of a little girl on a beach and told me about her and how he was 16 at the time when she was born. The mother's parents did not want the mother to keep the child even after my father dropped out from highschool and got a job to help support her so she was given up. It has haunted my father ever since. He understands why she would have never contacted either him or his birth mother but was hoping one day she would show up at the door so he can see how she has grown up. I just want to meet my long lost half sister and let her know that giving her up was the hardest thing that has ever happened to my father and still haunts him to this day. So if that is you i am truly sorry for you and hope that you had a good life and continue to live well.