Originally Posted By Shelly
Is it right to adopt a child when you are in the military and then tell them when they are older and telling them limited informaton along with not giving them their medical records when they move?
Originally Posted By Michelle
Hi Shelly - I'm not really sure what exactly you are asking....but I'll give you MY opinion on what I think you are asking. I think is perfectly all right to adopt when you are in the military (my hubby is). If you are a single parent who has the possibility of being deployed, then I think it would be better to wait until you are out of the military. I think adopted children should always know they are adopted, and know whatever information you and the birthparents have decided they should know. As far as the medical record, why would your child transport their OWN medical record (until college) I would think that as a Mom you would keep the medical records with you - but if there is something in their medical history you know about that they should, you should certainly tell them when it becomes pertinent.