I am US first Gulf War Veteran. They tell me that I am PTSD. I took an overseas job back in 2009 to get away from everything reminding me of war. I picked the most peaceful country I could (Singapore). While I was there, I met my wife. Her husband died six years before, and she took a job in Singapore for the same reason.
Her son had finished 8th grade. It was time for him to leave Myanmar and come live with his new (complete) family. The cost of living in Singapore is very high like most cities in Asia. Public school is not free to foreigners in Singapore. That is why we decided to return to the USA.
My wife arrived months later (on a green card), then her son arrived some months later (also on a green card). I adopted him, and the adoption was complete a few months ago.
I have the court order and a "birth certificate". The certificate is more like an acknowledgement that I am now his father. It does not convey citizenship.
I applied for a passport 8 weeks ago. So far nothing due to the shutdown.
Should I apply for a citizenship certificate for him?
Has anyone else done this?