Hi all! Looking for a bit of guidance...
I've wanted to be a foster parent since I was about 13. I have always loved working with kids and I have had some pretty good experience with girls in early teens (12-15). Last year, I worked full time at an emergency youth shelter for teens placed by DHS or JCS between ages 11-17, so I have a fair amount of experience with the challenges of working with these guys.
Now, I am a full-time pastoral intern at a church. I have a two-bedroom apartment, a car, a dog, a sustainable income, and still a persistent passion for kids in the system. I fit the legal parameters for becoming a foster parent, but I'm also very aware that 21 is pretty young to be a mom to a middle schooler, and fostering is difficult for experienced couples, let alone a single woman like myself.
Am I crazy? By some crazy chance, has anyone had a similar experience? Any kind of advice would be super helpful. Thanks a bunch!!
Hi! A young woman I know fosters (and has adopted) as a young single woman. She might be a great resource! Her name is Bethany and her insta is @bethanyanne42
Last update on January 2, 4:59 pm by Emily Van.