Hey guys!
I have a 10 year old daughter who we adopted from foster care about a year ago and she was with us for a little over a year before she was adopted. We're having a relapse of an issue we thought was in the past and don't know what to do about it. We've talked to her therapist, her psychiatrist and pediatrician. All of whom are just kinda like 'oh that sucks. Have you tried ignoring it?' or 'Maybe a different type of therapist' We're at a loss right now.
She pukes (or sometimes fakes some other illness/injury) any time she is in trouble or doesn't want to do something. Some prime examples;
1) she didn't want to go to our youngest son's preschool graduation. She told us before we left and we told her that we all went to her choir concert and family supports each other. We get there and she keeps saying she doesn't want to be there. As soon as they started the procession, she gagged and said she was going to throw up. So I took her to the bathroom (missed his march in for the ceremony) for her to only gag, grab her throat and spit out a tiny amount of vomit.
2) Her best friend (also a foster/adoptive child) parent's (she's known them since she was 4) took my daughter with the to Disney World for a week. My Daughter was eating Cheeto's and finished a bag, the mom said that she needed to chill with the Cheeto's and if she was still hungry she could eat a piece of fruit and they would have more Cheeto's later. My daughter then proceeded to puke in the rental car because 'oranges make her sick'. She didn't even eat it, she held it. And she eats oranges all the time.
3) This morning she and my 8 year old we're supposed to go to work with their dad (totally pandemic safe, he's all alone in his classroom teaching via video). She told us last night she didn't want to go because it was boring and daddy doesn't let her watch TV or play computer games. I told her that was a shame, but she was still going. She stood at the top of the stairs and said "I feel sick, I'm not going to work with daddy today." I asked what was wrong, she said 'I said I feel sick'. I said is it your head? Stomach? Whole Body? She again said 'I feel sick'. I told her if she couldn't tell me what was wrong then she still had to go. She came downstairs, saw the donut I was giving her for breakfast, grabbed her throat, gagged and ran to the bathroom. She was in there for about 5 minutes just gagging into the toilet until she finally puked a little. She came out of the bathroom, smiled at me, crossed her arms and said 'I puked', then went to her bedroom.
These are just 3 examples. It has happened many, many times. Has anyone else dealt with this? How did you handle it. I'm at a loss. I try to make being sick as 'not fun' as possible, but it doesn't seem to phase her. She gets what she wants (not doing the thing or going to the place) and she does not care about anything else.