Income requirement is needed. Foster care agencies need to know that prospective foster parents aren’t doing it for the money. You need to show you can support a foster child with your income in case funds are stalled.
During our home study process our social worker told our family that our income may be a problem. We gave her our income and filled out the sheet listing all our bills and expenses. We may not be rich but we do make ends meet and feel we could provide for a child. (We have 1 bio child and are looking to adopt one child or a sibling group of two children) However, our social worker is making a big deal about this and says she needs to talk to her supervisor about how we can continue and if we can continue.
Does this sound like normal procedures during the homestudy or is our social worker trying to find a way to get us to drop out? (The reason I think this is because she said that she can’t believe we are putting a foster child in our house because it is too nice)
What is everyone’s opinion on this situation?