Im sorry if this isn’t the appropriate place for this post but I could genuinely use some help/advice with this. For some basic context: My birth mother has had quite a lot of children and has never taken care of any of them. After her split with my step dad and their kids going into state care, we lost connection with her, knew she was pregnant at the time but didn’t know if she had the kid or not. That is not the kid that I learned about today.
A certain state‘s welfare department reached out to my stepmom a while back asking her about how she knows my birth mother, her involvement in raising me and a few other things about some of my other siblings from my birth moms side, and asked her if she would be willing to take in a sibling nobody had previously known about. My parents are not in a position to do so.
However, my husband and I have spoken about it and he has encouraged me to make the calls to find out more about my sister and potentially bring her to live with us depending on how things work out. I feel very overwhelmed for choice, I did find a social services number that dealt with cps and adoption services and left them a voicemail. I’m not 100% sure if I called the right people, or if every agency has access to certain information and can get me to the right place.
I guess what I am asking is this: is there anything specific I should know about this process, will the agency I called be able to help me get the information I need or is every agency‘s information dealt with separately? Should there be a state wide agency number I could call that would have access to her information otherwise? Idk if this stuff differs by state or not but in my state one agency kinda has connections all over to help you find what you need to know.
I feel overwhelmed with this, I’m not sure where to start.