Originally Posted By NicoleThe day my son was born BM called me and told me to follow her to the hospital so I would not have any problems getting in. While there the hospital social worker pulled me outside of the maternity ward and proceeded to tell me adoptive parents are not allowed in the hospital until the baby is discharged. I proceeded to cry and tell him that it was not right and I knew she had the right to change her mind. He then proceeded to yell at me in the hallway, "she needs to know what she wants". I told him I knew she had the right to change her mind, after a few moments I proceeded to go in the maternity ward to get my daughters older sister(that is another story)and he screamed at me do not go in there, you are not allowed, I was'nt even allowed to say goodbye to the woman who was going to give me her child. I proceeded to leave the hospital crying my eyes out. I could'nt believe what had happened to me. I could'nt even be in the lobby. I was told the day my son was discharged not even to go in the hospital. For six days I was denied access to my son or even to bond with his BM, which I feel is important(we adopted before and I was close to my daughters BM).I would like any comments on this horrible incident, Thank You.
Originally Posted By RNNO-NO-NO!!!!! OMG, honey get a lawyer. I cannot believe your story and I am so sorry that this happened. If you are telling half the truth, then yes you can and should sue this individual, the hospital, the doctor, and every nurse in the room. Unless the birthmother asked them to remove you from the room or stated that your presence was a problem. If you don't believe me go ask the hospital for a copy of the policy and procedure's realating to adoption. Also, ask for any meeting minutes over the last five years that have dealt with adoption. It is all public record. I hope the adoption went well and congratulations on your new child.At the hospital where I work we a "expressly forbidden" to have or share any opinion on adoption. My line to bmom's is exactly that. I am not allowed to have an opinion at work on your pending adoption. I however do not mind sharing with you that I love both my mother's and I was adopted.Good luck. Do not wait to long to get the slow wheels of justice turning and do not get in a hurry for results.