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I am thinking about adopting a child with adhd so if you have any information please email me!
Originally Posted By i4issac
Its not that bad you just got to stick with it.
I know quite a bit about it. Any questions just e-mail me
:rolleyes: I live with adhd throughout my childhood and am still living with it now (18 years old now) contact me if you have any ? or concerns. :)
I have two ADHD kids. Avoid caffiene and stuff with red dye(my observation, not medical) Also, I use to take them running before school and it usually helped them stay focused for the morning. (one of them runs on his own now when he feels himself getting out of focus). Also, written schedules are helpful so if they get off task they can get back on. I never have them scheduled to do anything for at least an hour after school so they can run off energy.
These are only suggestions that worked for me. They're both really creative thinkers and fun kids, the ADHD's just something they have to learn to manage.
I am an eighteen year old ADHD adoptee. I have to take medication in order for me to concertrate in school and not get out of control with my anger. If you have any questions or comments please email me at: