My sister-in law is 6 months pregnant and resides in Arkansas. My husband and I are in Illinois. She would like us to adopt her unborn baby boy, but the father will not sign over his rights. A divorce is in the process and he will be going to trial for sexually molesting his 2 step-daughters (our nieces). The trial won't be for many months and we would like custody at birth. The father has been "accused" of this before, but not convicted. He has been ordered to seek anger counseling, has been in drug rehab and has a recent DUI. I know this will be a messy battle. She wants us to have him, as does the rest of the family. Until he signs over his rights or his rights are revoked, what can be done?
Would the laws apply differently if she has the baby in Illinois vs Arkansas where she currently resides? Can we legally get custody of the baby and keep him in Illinois while they duke it out in Arkansas?
Needing some serious help! Thanks.