:) Hello. Looking for the birthmother or family of my daughter, born 11/15/81 in United Hospital Center, Clarksburg. She is the second child given up for adoption by this bmom and am interested in finding her sister/brother, as well. Bmom's name is/was Terry Lynn Gooden, age 21 at time of birth. Looking for information, medical information, possible reunion in future.
thank you,
I recently came across your name when doing a search for "terry Lynn gooden" on the Internet. I see that you have a daughter that was born in Clarksburg, WV to a mother with the name of Terry Lynn Gooden in 1981. You mentioned that she had another child that she had given up, and that your daughter would have been the second. I was born in Clarksburg in March of 1978 and I have found out recently that Terry Lynn Gooden was my bmom's name. I know some of the circumstances surrounding my adoption in 1978 and some possible information on the family, but that is all I know. I would be interested in talking to you or even your daughter if she is at all interested. I'm really seeking to find any information I can, and ultimately being able to track down Terry Gooden. Thank you for your help, and I apologize if this message is not relevant to you or your situation.