I am searching for three children of a friend of mine. The birthmother was born in the metro Atlanta area in August 1940. Her oldest child, a girl, was born around 1956. Another girl born between 1959 and 1965. A son born around 1963-1965. All three born in Atlanta or Atlanta area and all three adopted by same person. Adoption occurred in Marietta, Georgia, Cobb County. Son was around 6 months old when adopted.
Oldest girl is a half-sister to the younger two.
Children's names were Martha Janelle, Melody Denise, and Scotty.
Birthmother's health is very poor. Her information to me has been sketchy--most likely as result of heart condition. Gave up children out of love for them. To give them a better life. She was destitute. Birth mother has always loved them. She lives in Atlanta area.
If any of this sounds familiar to anyone, please contact me.
I was born in Muscogee County 6/13/60.....Taken from my mother by dept children and family services and placed into foster care, then placed with adoptive family in 1963 and adoption finalized in 1965. I was told I had siblings. I was told I was 3 lbs. at birth. Any possiblity of being related?