Hi everyone... I just thought I'd come in here and introduce myself. My name is Jennifer, I'm 20 years old, and I'm from California. As it turns out, I might be pregnant... since I'm totally against abortion and I don't believe I'm ready to be a Mom again (I already am one to my daughter... long story), I'm looking into adoption. I looked into adoption when I was pregnant with my first daughter... I got pregnant with her through terrible circumstances... I was raped at a party. But when Caitlyn was born, I instantly fell in love with her... regardless of how she came into this world so I just couldn't give her up. But raising a child alone at 20 and trying to go to school is NOT easy... and I know there's no way that I could raise two children... my boyfriend on the other hand has different views and would like to try raising the baby... but unfortunately, we live about 500 miles apart and he's in the military, about to be sent overseas... so it's just not too logical right now. The thought of putting our child up for adoption hurts him, but I told him the story of my 2 cousins, Kara (11) and Rachelle (13)... my aunt and uncle adopted them at birth... they're biological sisters, came from the same mom... and you'd never know it by looking at them... they look identical to my aunt and uncle... and we all love them to death. They're the most wonderful girls in the world... when they're not being a pain in the butt... LoL But I told him had it not been for that woman giving them up to my aunt and uncle, I wouldn't have my wonderful cousins... and I'd love to be able to give the gift of life to a couple who can't do it on their own... so I guess that's why I'm here... to look around, maybe find a couple... there was a couple in line for Caitlyn, but I haven't talked to them since she was born so I'm not even sure if they'd be interested... I'd like to find a warm, loving couple for my child who's up for an open adoption, just b/c I know how I am and I know how my boyfriend is and we're both the kind of people that can't be like "oh here you go, here's my baby, goodbye..." and never see the child again... that would be too painful for both of us... I'd like to at least be in touch with a few couples, maybe at least just to talk, exchange stories... go from there... maybe I can learn more about this whole adoption thing... it confused me the first time around... hope to hear from people soon... take care everyone... God bless!
Hi! Just noticed your ost - and regardless of the decision you make, I would love to chat with you a bit about your situation and the tough decisions you have to make. My husband and I have been waiting to adopt since last January. We did match with a bith mother once. She delivered the baby, and decided 2 days later to parent. I don't think anything has ever been more difficult for me in my life. (Or my husband.) But because of that, we both feel that we can maybe understand a SMALL PART of the pain birth parents must go through when they place their children. We are looking for an open adoption. We strongly believe that openness is the best choice for everyone involved in the situation.
At any rate, I would love to chat with you more about your decision, if you are interested. But may I offer one piece of advice? Be careful when talking to people. Think about what information you want to share with them, and how much information you want to share. - At least until you get to know someone. :) And remember to keep your options open.
I will be praying for you, and hope to hear from you soon. Please feel free to email me at:
Take care!
Saw the post, and I just wanted you to know that my hubby is military too, and I KNOW how hard it is to raise kids when you're all alone most of the time. He's actually leaving for a month on Sunday!!!!
If you ever want to talk, let me know. I'm 24, so I'm not that much older than you. My son is 3, so we're busy busy busy now!! lol
I can't do much in the way of helping you find a family for your new little one, as I am in Canada, but I am a great support person if you need one.
Take care, I will always be here to listen if you need me to.
First of all, I just want to say to be careful when searching for prospective adoptive parents on the forums. Several will respond saying "I can help," or give a lengthy story about how they've been waiting to adopt for a long time (which is not permitted on these forums and will be removed). I would suggest that you visit one of our other websites, [url],[/url] where there are over 200 couples that are ready and certified to adopt. You are able search through birthmother letters and photographs by your preferences as a "birthmother." At any rate, good luck with your adoption plan and I wish you all the best!!
smileygirl :D
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