Since I have given my son up for an open adoption most times when I made "appointments" to see my son they were canceled by the couple on the day of seeing him.
My question is Are there any laws out there that protect my rights to see him as his birthparent? Is there anyway that I could get it garunteed that they can't keep canceling on me at the last min?
I haven't seen him since his birthday on March 14th.
please help.
Is there anything in writting stating that you do have visitation rights?
Unless there is, there is nothing you can do.
We are looking to adopt, and I'd like to have my adoption open so the birth parent may see the child.
I'd like to have them here for Christmas, their birthday and so on.
For anyone looking for the answer to this.
In Arizona it doesn't matter if its in writing. Arizona doesnt hold adoptive parents to keep the contract of an open adoption.