I was born on 12/3/76 and adopted by wonderful parents. At the age of 16 I had a daughter who I then placed for adoption. She was born on 8/9/1993. She is biracial. Now I am in search of my birth family due to my medical history. I would like to know about my medical background to prevent future problems. But of course going through placing my own child for adoption, I would pray she would want to locate me. I know what it felt like to say good-bye to my child one last time, so I know the pain my birth mother felt. I would love to meet her and tell her thank you for giving me life and an opportunity to have a wonderful one at that.
I can relate to your story on so many levels.I hope you will consider reading mine as well. (Why being adopted is special in same list)I understand how you must feel about all of these issue although I must say that i think you must be exceptionally brave and selfless because I was about 10 years older than you were when you were faced with such a tough decision. I had a difficult time tring to make the right decision for my daughter at that time- I cant begin to imagine how much harder it would have been at your age.You made a brave and wise decision so I hope you never let anyone tell you different.I was adopted myself too and I was also raised in a great family but I also have a longing to know about my birthparents so I felt an immediate connection when I read your story.If you ever need someone to talk to about your search or about the adoption of your child or anything for that matter I would love to!I have also needed to find others who can really understand what thse experiences feel like and how not all days are great or happy and how they are not issues you just "get over" in time.Anyhow,thanks for sharing your story- I was really grateful to see I am not the only one who has been on both sides of the fence!:)
I truly hope you find your birth mother. I haven't a clue as to how to help you in your search, but I will say an extra pray for you tonight. Be in wonderful thought that your own daughter will one day want to thank you for giving her life and wonderful adoptive parents. Good Luck in your search. God will help you I know this in my heart.