This post is to invite you to a chat at 8 pm eastern time, 7 pm central time, 6 pm mountain time, 5 pm pacific standard time tonight. It is an educational chat on [url][/url] Thursdays, for remainder of the month of January in the foster care chat room. It lasts four consecutive weeks. It is our Four part series chat on How to Adopt U.S. Waiting Children in Foster Care. Guest speaker Rita Laws, Ph.D. Hosted by the National Adoption Center. There will be a time in which Dr. Laws will present information followed by question and answers.
You may join on any of the following Thrusdays. For intructions to entering the chat please see: [url][/url] scroll to bottom of the thread.
The schedule is as follows:
Week # 1 Jan 9 Homestudies
Week #2 Jan 16
Understanding the costs in adoption
Learning about the children waiting for homes in the U.S. Child Welfare System.
Week #3 Jan 23
Interstate Adoption: What is it and how does it work
Week #4 Jan 30
Financial and Medical Subsidy: What is subsidy and How does it work?
Please tell others. If you have any questions please e-mail
Thank you very much.