Even as a child I always sabatoged my birthday. For some reason I always felt unloved on that day. I never understood it until a few years ago when I started reading adoption literature. My 21st birthday is Sunday, and I have already been blessed enough to have found my birthfamily and started a relationship. But I am still wishing I would go to sleep Saturday night and not wake up until Monday. I already feel the same sadness and rejection I have always felt, and there is no reason, I am loved--by my adoptive family and biological family. I just needed to get this off my chest to people who might actually relate.
This was also a time had I had a hard time facing also. The only thing that I wished for during my birthday was to be with my father again. I have been wishing this for the past 33 years now and I'm approaching my 34th birthday soon....... Unlike your situation I didn't have supportive foster parents. I was just so happy to being adopted and not being seperated from my sister. Once I was finally out of the New York Foundling kennel I made a promise to myself never to return.........
The reason I refer to New York Foundling kennel is because it seemed to resemble today's kennel or animal shelter... I say this because during my experience of foster care since the age of 2 and finally adopted at the age of 15 yrs old has been quite overwhelming. When you go to the animal shelter and decide to get a pet most people don't go for the older pets but would rather get the younger pets. The foster care system is set up the same way............ I remember being dressed up for several Open House where people would come to possibly adopt children. People would come and examine you as if you were a pet or better yet a car or something. I'm not sure if you ever experience this but I always felt this process was so degrading.
Today I have decided to make a active effort in accomplishing my birthday wish. I have everything I could ever want, A loving wife, my only son, a wonderful Big sister who came through this ordeal with me, the house,car, stable job, and even the white picket fence but still I'm missing something!!! My "Biological Father & Mother".......... I really miss my father........ Unfortunately there were circumstances that occured and he had to surrendered us.
Well don't let nothing spoil your birthday as it is suppose to be birth of a very special person and that is you......... May all your wishes come true ........ P.S. I will strive to hopefully make my birthday wish come true also but if you have any tips please let me know...............Contact me anytime or send me a private message
------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------Born March 8, 1969............. Birthplace Metropolitian Hospital
New York Foundling Hospital
I am depressed when it gets near my birthday until well after my birthday. I cry in my sleep although I never remimber my dreams. I'm 42 and have not met my bmom, I was never adopted, my bmom just gave me to a bartender. My step family was very abusive. I was born 7 Dec 1960 at the Chillicothe Hospital in Chillicothe, Ohio.
I was one of the lucky ones. I had great parents, birthdays got harder after my daddy died. But then he died on my birthday. He laid in the hospital for 5 days (brain dead) and then on September 17 @ 3:24 pm he died. The exact time I was born in 1958 @ Florence Orphangy in Sioux City, Iowa in Woodbury County. I have my good birthdays and I have my bad. But I have always had 2 birthdays, my birth day and the day they brought me home, October 31, 1958. I always considered his dying to be my rebirth. God and my dad were not going to let me forget either one. I was daddy's little girl and it was hard not to have him around when I needed him. In becoming a young lady, getting married and divorced I lost God, but today he is a big part of our lives. I have not found my birth parents yet and I pray one day I can find them and thank them for giving me a life. :) My best advice is be happy you are alive, because as we know there are lots of children who are not even making it into this world. :(
In spite of having a horrable upbringing, and not having any values or religious teaching as a child, I have found God and am gratefull everday because of it.
For many years I learned about diffent beleifs but I rejected them all. I felt these were weak minded people who neded a crutch so they liked having a fantise to belive in. The fact that a Baptist preacher lived behind us and I went to schol with his son did not help any...He stayed drunk most of the week, had affairs, and would not even allow his wife to take there youngest child to the doctor when he was realy sick - until he started throwing up blood! Even my "mom" took me to the doctor! 2 days after the 5 yr old child was dianosed with cancer he died.
After many years I had a visitor who agreed with me when I (in a very hostal way) mentoned all of Chirstondoms atrossaties throwout the centries. So I begain to study the Bible, and one day when I was suicidal my teacher and her commpanion was there and they showed me from the Bible how much God loved me that no matter how depressed I get I have never concidered suicide again.
I became a Jehovah's Witness but I still have to deal with the past. Talking about it makes me feel better. People who do not talk about what caused their post trumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been known to kill people and/or committe suicide.
Thank You For Your Concern.