I am a Birthfather that was involved in an open adoption 10+ years ago. I have lost touch with my agency representitive. I would love to have my updated information provided to the family. I have been informed theat the adoption agency no longer exists. But, I do know that the adoption Agency owner was very involved with our adoption. In short, I am looking for contact information for Shirley Owens, of Choices Adoption agency. I can be contacted via email.
Thank you in advance for your help.
I am in your same situation. My mother went through choices adoption agency almost 19 years ago. She had put up my older sister for adoption. She also went through Shirley Owens. I have been looking for any information I could find, but I have found none. If you find out any helpful information please let me know.
Hello Julia. I'm on here looking for my birth parents. I was adopted through Shirley Owens at Choices 19 years ago. Just by chance i logged onto this site and saw your message. My birthmother's name is Cathy, and my birthfather's name is Carlos. If your mom's name is Cathy, please email me.
My older sisters name is actually Catherine... and my mothers name is Melinda. Im sorry Rachel. When i thought i had found my older sister i got really excited too.