My name is Stephanie Willis. I was born in Louisville, Kentucky on 07/04/1982 at Louisville General Hospital at 1:46. I was 4 pounds 7 ounces and 19 inches long. I was born one month prematurely. My birth name was Nicole Faith Reynolds. My birthmoms name is Lowrene Reynolds. I was delivered by Dr. Simone. At the time of my birth my b/m was a white, 29-year-old. She was 5 foot 4 inches tall and weighed 110 pounds. She had dark hair and blue eyes. She had a twin sister and seven other siblings. One sister was deceased as result of a house fire. She completed the 8th grade in school and had never been employed outside of the home. They were described as a very tight knit family.
My b/f was a white 28-year-old. He had dark wavy hair and blue eyes. He was 6 foot 4 inches tall and weighed 210 pounds. He completed the 10th grade in school and spent two years in the Army where he was trained as a mechanic. He continued in this line of work.
I lived part-time with the maternal family and part-time with an aunt until I was two months old. I was then placed in a Cabinet for Families Foster Home. I was adopted in August of 1983 by Stephen and Anna Stallins. My case worker was Faye Woodrum. At the time of my birth I had two older sisters and two older brothers. The girls were 8 and 3. The boys were 4 and 2. The 8-year-old was in school and making good progress, she was shy. She had shoulder length straight brown hair and blue eyes. The 3-year-old was a half-sister. She was talkative. She had long straight, brown hair and brown eyes. The 4-year-old had dark hair and blue eyes. He had a slight speech impediment. The 2-year-old stayed close to our father. He talked but was very difficult to understand. I also had a younger sister. She was born 07/12/1983. I think her name was Ian Marie Reynolds. She was adopted by the same family I was she now goes by Angie. I am now married and have two boys of my own. There ages are 2 years and 6 months. Angie is now married and has a little girl ho is 1 month old. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My email addy is