This has proved to be a difficult search. Marie Odette (last name unknown)
Searching for birth-family of adoptee: Her name at birth was Marie Odette (Last name unknown) Born on February 7, 1946, at Bellevue Hospital in Montreal. Her Birthmother is deceased, and may have been born in 1921, the Outaouais/Gatineau region is indicated, we are told the birthmother was orphaned at an early age, and raised by her grandfather, she was a frail woman, had a very difficult life, may have worked as a maid, possibly had other children. The adoptee's birthfather was 27 at Marie Odette's birth, and apparently married, but not to the birth-mother.
The birthmother parents apparently both died when she was young, mabey accidental, we do not know. Batshaw has told marie Odette (now Camille) the birthmother is now deceased, we are still looking for birth realitives.