I was born in Little Rock, AR (Pulaski County) through the Welfare Department on May 15, 1957. The adoption was final on February 12, 1958. I have been told that my Birthmother was young possibly 14 years old and that my Birthfather was in the Military. My name at birth was Barbara Sue Fleeman. I don't know if the Fleeman is my Birthfather's last name or my Birthmothers last name (Maiden)? Any information on Birthfather, Birthmother or any Siblings would be most appreciated. Please feel free to contact e-mail at
Many thanx. Susan Jan Carpenter Rhea
I was born in Omaha, Nebraska in 1954. The only info I have on my b-father is that he was military and stationed in Europe at the time of my birth. My b-mom was 17 or 18 when I was born. Makes me wonder if he knows about me at all. If he does know, did he choose to use the military life as an escape from taking some responsibility? Did he and my b-mom have a long-standing relationship prior to my conception, or was she just used prior to his shipping out? A lot of questions come to mind. It doesn't really matter, though.
Do I want to find him? Not really. I'm more interested in finding my b-mother and telling her that I'm glad she chose to allow a loving couple (much older than she and probably much more stable at the time) to raise me. I've always wondered about her and hoped that she was able to move on with her life ... meet a man who truly loved her, have more children she could raise with him, and had a happy life. I hope to make contact with her one day so that I can thank her for giving me a chance at having a better life than she felt she could provide for me at the time. If we do meet, my questions about my b-father will be few ... medical history and nationality are about all I really want to know about him.
I wish you the best in finding your b-family. We all need to know where we came from and what's in our genetic background.