I was adopted the thursday after i was born i was born on sunday, december 2 1984. i amd trying to find my birth mother because i just recently found out that i had brothers and sisters. i didnt know before because i never asked nor did i ever want to know but there are issuses that have gone on in my life and i am trying to find out if they run through the genes or what and i want to meet her seeing how that i am 18 and i want her to meet me and my beautiful fiancee' derek! i just want to show her how i have grown up. the only thing that i do know is her name. and i was born in new jersey and lived there till was 13 and then i moved to georgia. i went to pull records from wher i was adopted and there were no records what so ever of her. i am full of questions and i need answers.
i hope u find your birthmother. i'm a birthmother also and it's a very hard choice to make in life. when u have a little baby staring at you and your only a baby your self. i was 17. my child is 3 now and i see him everyother wendsday. i hope you find your mother and sibs.