Originally posted by dynamic2003
My voice here is not of anger everyone......I speak with honesty (abruptly I know) but truth.
I think what Ded is trying to say, far more nicely than I ever could, is that this is an open forum....which means anyone could read what you've posted. That's find and that's good, and truth is a great thing....but as some of my christian friends say Truth is a sword that should never be used to kill your own wounded. Many people who read this site are just starting to recover from difficult choices or are trying to make difficult choices.....Or, in my view even more importantly, are young people who are trying to understand their own adoption experience. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, I cringe each time I read someone blast their "truth" without realizing how it could impact someone they love. Think what would happen if your adopted children decide to investigate their own adoption experience----and being young folks in a computer age start on the web. One of the first things they'd learn---on the only forum that "owns" the adoption keyword---is that their mom thinks "adoption sucks" other words that they way they became your children "sucks". Now perhaps it isn't specifically your child that learns that lesson....maybe its my future child, or Melissa's birth son or one of Deb's (in birthfamily raised) children---either way, that lesson ends up hurting someone who isn't even in your gun sights.
So do I think you shouldn't feel what your feel or convey the message that you have?, I think you should be very vocal----but mindful that truth is a very sharp weapon. We all need to remember that adoption isn't always the best answer---that no one (including, if I may say adult adoptees) has completely pure motives and completely pure actions. And we do need people to remind us that "adoption" has many myths--birthmom's make adoption plans because either they are victims or saints, adoptive parents form families because they are victims or saints etc.