I feel your hurt and anger, but looking at the date of your birth, I can tell you society would not allow single unmarried women to parent babies. There is an element of help given to mothers to be now, back then there was none. In fact if women attempted to parent there was a great likelihood their child would be taken from them, for no other reason that they were poor and unmarried.
Do not confuse adoption of today as it was back in your mom's day. It is far different. Young women today do have choices available to them.
I make no bones about my dislike of adoption except in extreme cases, I would much rather see resources spent on helping young women parent their babies and sex education widely taught in the schools to both sexes.
The grief suffered from years of not knowing is unbearable from a birthmom's point of view. As it is for many adoptees.
Just the thoughts of a birth mom circa 1959. who has coped with the aftermath of the trauma of adoption for 43 long years.