If your not coming into my web site you just may be missing the loved one that you've been searching for. I have many many listings there and if you sign my guest book more people will see who it is that your searching for. I have all of you that have posted here on my site so that whoever comes in will see them. I'm so wanting all of you to locate your loved ones.
Please send me the website URL! I am looking for my 1/2 sister born in January 1966.
Thank you kindly,
Kate Palladino
Please send me your website... I am looking for my half-sister born 10/11/72.
I felt bad seeing so many unanswered posts I went a found the following links that the OP had posted in another thread. I checked out a few of them and they still seem to work and have large lists...I hope it helps someone!
Searchable Data Bases For Adoptees and Birthparents
[url=]Together Again[/url]
[url=]PrincyssT's Adoption Page and Registry[/url]
Best of luck to all thoses still searching!
The adoption laws in PA have changed. It is now possible for adoptees to see their adoption file.The change in the law is written so anyone can understand it. Go to Google: Adoption Laws...this should bring it up. It may be listed under a house bill #. The adoption court clerk where the adoption was finalized can also provide information on the new law and how to get previously sealed PA info.I wish you the best.